English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English practice for advanced speakers
Advanced English grammar practice for SAT and ACT

Topic: Conjunctive adverbs 1

Choose the correct conjunctive adverb to complete each of the following sentences.

1. I need to make more money; ________________, I won't be able to buy a new car.

2. We wanted to adopt a female dog; ________________, we adopted a male one.

3. Carl hates his job; ________________, he goes to work every morning.

4. She was running for the bus; ________________, it left early, so she had to get the next one.

5. The CEO was caught embezzling money; ________________, it came as no surprise that he got fired.

6. She treated him quite badly; ________________, he loved her very much.

7. My mother is quite short; ________________, my father is almost seven feet tall.
  in contrast

8. I'm good at learning languages; ________________, my brother has no problem learning a new language quickly.
  in contrast

9. He could have shaken his hand; ________________, he just waved.

10. They always treated her with respect; ________________, they used to lend her money when she was broke.

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