English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English practice for advanced speakers
Advanced English grammar practice for SAT and ACT

Topic: Subject or predicate? 1

Choose whether the bolded phrase is the SUBJECT or PREDICATE of the sentence. If it contains part of the subject as well as part of the predicate, choose NEITHER.
Example: Jim likes to eat cereal. → PREDICATE

1. The senator wanted to apologize to the committee.

2. My mother's computer was stolen last night.

3.The little girl's cat was running around playfully.

4. Many of the students take the bus to school.

5. On Mondays I eat cereal.

6. Fiona laughed so hard that the neighbors heard her.

7. A couple of students failed their chemistry exams.

8. Jim's dog is seven years old.

9. Most universities rejected his application.

10. New York City is the biggest city in the USA.

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