English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English grammar exercises and tests
English grammar exercises and tests

Topic: How much, how long, how often, how well 1


level: Intermediate

Complete each of the sentences below with the correct response.

1. ________ have you been single?
  How long
  How much

2. ________ does she go out?
  How well
  How often

3. ________ money does Tim make?
  How well
  How much

4. ________ do you speak Arabic?
  How well
  How long

5. Q: ________ does your father smoke? A: About two cigarettes a day.
  How much
  How well

6. ________ time do we have?
  How long
  How much

7. ________ does he speak to her?
  How often
  How long

8. ________ do you know him?
  How often
  How well

9. Q: ________ do you tell her that you love her? A: Every single day.
  How well
  How often

10. ________ trouble are you in?
  How much
  How long

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