English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises

GREEN ENGLISH: Biodiversity

Welcome to "GREEN ENGLISH", our series of exercises on various environmental topics. Today's topic is BIODIVERSITY. Choose from the following words to complete each of the sentences below: identified, unique, species, crisis, change, accelerating, habitat, extinction, indicator, home

1. Biodiversity measures the variety of different in a certain area.

2. Biodiversity is a key in how healthy a particular ecosystem is.

3. If something is "endemic", it means it is to a certain place.

4. A refers to the natural home of an animal, plant, or other organism.

5. Scientists have ( = discovered) several new organisms in that ecosystem.

6. If something is "in ", it means it is in danger, that it is not doing well.

7. This rainforest is to over 200 species of animals.

8. Climate is one of the reasons that some animals are disappearing.

9. Experts say that nearly a million plants and animals face the possibility of ( = ceasing to exist) in the next twenty years.

10. If something is "", it is getting faster.


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