English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises


LANGUAGE OF DIVERSITY & INCLUSION (ENGLISH) | Vocabulary relating to LGBTQ+ issues 2

Choose the correct, most natural-sounding word (or words) to complete each of the following sentences:

1. Gay individuals usually know they are gay at an early . (year/age)

2. John (went/came) out to his parents. = John told his parents that he was gay.

3. Transgender individuals only want the same (rights/allowances) as everyone else.

4. A (closeted/closet) individual is someone who is not open about his or her (queer) sexuality, or hides this from others.

5. We rely on (allies/alleys) ( = friends who support us) like you.

6. Gender (identity/interpretation) refers to how an individual perceives his/her gender.

7. A person for whom heterosexuality is superior to all other types of sexuality is often described as (heteronormative/heterosexual)

8. A (lesbian/heterosexual) is a woman who is attracted to other women.

9. A (bigoted/bullied) individual is someone who has a negative perception of a particular group of people.

10. You need to spend more time around gay people so that your (perception/personification) of them will become more positive.


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