English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises

TOPIC: Harsh interrogation methods by the US

STEP 1 - Read the following article: READING COMPREHENSION ARTICLE 34

STEP 2 - Answer these questions (choose the best answer):

1. According to this article, apart from making the United States look bad, what do harsh interrogation methods do?
  They ensure that US soldiers are treated with respect
  They put US soldiers at risk
  They get the job done

2. Ken Robinson believes that hardball interrogation tactics:
  simply don't work.
  work well with some prisoners.
  should be used with caution.

3. Sarah Mendelson thinks that the Bush administration:
  is very conscious of US obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law.
  hasn't done enough to make sure harsh interrogation methods are not used.
  implemented suggestions given by lawyers from all branches of the military

4. Joe Navarro believes that hurting someone:
  will not make them want to talk in the future.
  will make them cooperative in the future.
  is a part of the normal interrogation process.

5. Which country is NOT mentioned in the article?

CHECK ANSWERS (Your answers will be displayed in a new window)


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